8th International Conference
on Aromatic and Medicinal PlantsAPLAMEDAROM-Guadeloupe has the honor to inform you about the holding of the 8th International conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM 8) around the general theme:
Innovations and traditions in the heart
of Caribbean biodiversityThis year, the 8th CIPAM will be held in the archipelago of Guadeloupe, one of the zones of world biosphere reserve. For 6 days, will gather speakers and participants from various countries and territories of overseas and the world.
Scientists, economic actors, healers, and institutional actors will present their works and will exchange around 5 themes, which address the development of tropical and Caribbean plants from different angles:
- Biodiversity
- Traditional knowledges
- Innovatives techniques and active ingredients
- Economic issues
- Legislation on products with aromatic and medicinal plants
After the official entry in 2013 of 48 medicinal plants from Martinique, Réunion and Guadeloupe in the French Pharmacopoeia (11th edition), this CIPAM 8 is particularly full of sense. Also, we invite you to participate in this quality event.
Themes approached during the 8th CIPAM
- Legal aspects, Law on the biodiversity, the bio-piracy
- Protection of the biodiversity
- Biodiversity and food
- Water and light: contributions in the biodiversity
- The Guadelupian biodiversity : current situation, economic perspectives
- Traditional medicines of Overseas regions
- Medicinal plants importance and their valuations (history, health system, TRAMIL, agriculture, cosmetics and traditions)
- Innovative techniques :
- Extraction of plant resources
- Galenic forms production
- Identification of active molecules - New therapeutic approaches and biodiversity : horticultural therapy
- The overseas: a necessary refoundation of therapeutic strategies to take care of specific pathologies of these regions.
Through various examples, economic aspects will be approached :
- Innovative oversea scompanies in Aromatic and Medicinal Plants field
- Valuation of plants with essential oil of Reunion
- From picking to Agroforestry
- Preparation and knowledge of grounds: biodynamie interest
- Case of Madagascar
Statutory aspects
- French Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products ( MSNA )
- Recognition of overseas plants
The dye plants overseas
- Interaction plant/drug
- New therapeutic approaches and biodiversity : horticultural therapy
- The overseas: a necessary refoundation of therapeutic strategies to take care of specific pathologies of these regions.
Scientific committee
- Coordination
- Marie GUSTAVE, President of APLAMEDAROM / TRAMIL – Guadeloupe
- Dr Lionel GERMOSEN-ROBINEAU, Coordinator of TRAMIL / Université des Antilles Guyane – Guadeloupe
- Dr Henry JOSEPH, Director of Phytobôkaz / APLAMEDAROM / TRAMIL – Guadeloupe
- Pr Jacques PORTECOP, Vice president of APLAMEDAROM / TRAMIL – Guadeloupe
- Pr Jacqueline ABAUL, Université des Antilles Guyane – Guadeloupe
- Dr Harry ARCHIMEDE, INRA – Guadeloupe
- Dr Sylvie BERCION, Université des Antilles Guyane / APLAMEDAROM / TRAMIL – Guadeloupe
- Dr Murielle BIABIANY, Phytobôkaz /APLAMEDAROM – Guadeloupe
- Pr Paul BOURGEOIS, Co director of Phytobôkaz – Guadeloupe
- Pr Lucien DEGRAS, Archipel des Sciences – Guadeloupe
- Dr Roselyne DELBLOND, President of AVAPLAMMAR – Martinique
- Dr Maria DESHAYES, Université des Antilles Guyane / APLAMEDAROM – Guadeloupe
- Dr Jean-Claude DONGAL, Pharmacist / APLAMEDAROM – Guadeloupe
- Dr Marie FLEURY, National Museum of Natural History / GADEPAM /TRAMIL – Guyane
- Dr Jean-Marie FLOWER, Director of botanical conservatory / TRAMIL – Guadeloupe
- Dr Edouard Saikuié HNAWIA, Université de Nouvelle-Calédonie /APPAM-NC – Nouvelle-Calédonie
- Dr Claude MARODON, Pharmacist / President of APLAMEDOM – Réunion
- Pr Chantal MENUT, Université de Montpellier II, French commitee of ANSM – France
- Nathalie MINATCHY, Agro-processing engineer / APLAMEDAROM – Guadeloupe
- Dr Jean Michel MOREL, General practitioner and aromatherapist – France
- Dr Emmanuel NOSSIN, General coordinator of TRAMIL / ARVARNAM – Martinique
- Dr Pamela OBERTAN, Université des Antilles Guyane – Guadeloupe
- Pr Yves PELISSIER, Université de Montpellier I – France
- Pr Jean-Claude PIERRIBATESTI, Vice president of APLAMEDOM – Réunion
- Dr Phila RAHARIVELOMANANA, Université de Polynésie française – Tahiti
- Maitre Isabelle ROBARD, Lawyer at the Paris bar specializing in health law – France
- Dr Muriel SYLVESTRE, Université des Antilles Guyane / TRAMIL – Guadeloupe
Organising committee
- Dr Murielle BIABIANY, Phytobôkaz/APLAMEDAROM
- Pr Lucien DEGRAS, Achipel des Sciences
- Dr Maria DESHAYES, Université des Antilles Guyane /APLAMEDAROM
- Dr Jean-Claude DONGAL, Pharmacist / APLAMEDAROM
- Marie GUSTAVE, President of APLAMEDAROM
- Dr Henry JOSEPH, APLAMEDAROM / Directeur Phytobokaz
- Lydia MARCIN, Pharmacien / APLAMEDAROM
- Nathalie MINATCHY, Agro-processing engineer /APLAMEDAROM
- Marie Hélène LUCE, Consultant
- Dr Lionel ROBINEAU, Scientific coordinator of TRAMIL
- Guy-Olivier RUGARD, Treasurer of APLAMEDAROM
Detailed program of the 8th CIPAM
Monday, September 29th, 2014, Créole Beach Hôtel – Le Gosier
- Reception and opening ceremony
- Theme 1: Biodiversity
- Theme 2: Traditions
Tuesday, September 30th, 2014, Créole Beach Hôtel – Le Gosier
- Theme 3: Innovations
- Theme 4: Economy
Wednesday, October 1st, 2014
- Visit n°1 : Botanic garden of Deshaies, “Ecomusée” of Sainte-Rose
Thursday, October 2nd, 2014, URMA - Basse-Terre
- Theme 5: Legislation
- Conférence Grand Public (Auditorium – Basse-Terre)
Friday, October 3rd, 2014, Marie-Galante
- Visit n°2 : The discovery of dye plants and vegetable fibers from Guadeloupe
Saturday, October 4th, 2014, Créole Beach Hôtel – Le Gosier
- Gala evening
Registration fees
Rate / person
Until August 18th
From 19th aout
PACKAGE 1* : 29/09 to 04/2014
(3 days of conferences, visits and gala evening)
PACKAGE 2* : 3 days of scientific conferences
September 29th and 30th , october 2nd 2014
PACKAGE 3*: 1 day of conférences
⟨ 29/09/2014
⟩ 30/09/2014
⟩ 02/09/2014
PACKAGE 4* : APLAMEDAROM members (up to date of contribution
PACKAGE 5a*: Students (on card presentation)
PACKAGE 5b# : Students (on card presentation)
PACKAGE 8 : Gala evening of october 4th, 2014
* Registration fees include conferences access, coffee breaks, lunch and the abstracts book of conference.
# Registration is required and includes conferences access, coffee breaks and the conferences abstracts booklet.
Payment of registration fees can be made by :
- bank transfer
- check
- credit card.Please complete the registration form and send it by e-mail at the following address: aplamedarom.guadeloupe@gmail.com
Download the form:
Inscription_Registration.pdf -
Abstract submission
Themes approached during the 8th CIPAM 2014 in Guadeloupe :
- Biodiversity
- Traditions
- Innovations
- Economy
- Legislation
Deadline for abstracts submission: June 20th, 2014
Notification of acceptance/rejection by scientific committee: August 5th, 2014
Deadline of sending of integral communication: August 11th, 2014To submit yours papers, please fill out the form below :
« Appel à communication _Call for paper.doc»
« Appel à communication _Call for paper.pdf»
Your summary and your paper must be sent by e-mail to :
aplamedarom.guadeloupe@gmail.com -
Special booking rates at Creole Beach Hotel & Spa
8th CIPAM 2014 will be held in Creole Beach Hotel.
Also, the organizing committee of this event and Creole Beach Hotel are pleased to offer you special rates for your booking for 8th CIPAM 2014 in Guadeloupe:
Classic room : 141€ TTC/night
Single Confort room : 149 € TTC/night
Double Confort room : 206 € TTC/night
Double Corail room (with sea view): 230 €/night
The special rates include breakfast and dinner.The hotel is accepting reservations on space available basis.
We strongly you to reserve your room today.
For reservations, thank you to contact the organizing committee secretariat to get the speaker code to access to the proposed rates: aplamedaronguadeloupe@gmail.comCreole Beach Hotel & Spa
Gosier 97190, Guadeloupe French West Indies
Tel. : +590 (0) 590 90 46 46
USA / Canada : +11 590 590 90 46 46
http://creolebeach.com -
Madame Marie GUSTAVE
Monpierre 97111 Morne à l’eau Guadeloupe
Tél. : 0590 21 50 44
E-mail: aplamedarom.guadeloupe@gmail.com